Let’s break this down! When being confronted with the question of whether you might be caught in a toxic relationship spiral, your obvious intuitive answer would be ‘NO’…which is a representation of what the answer for the majority of people would be like. If we were to realise our toxic patterns without further effort this world would be a more peaceful place. However, understanding these deeper-lying layers requires active mental participation and conscious intent.
Toxic Relationship Spiral: Trust The Signs.
To make this rather complex topic more easily digestible, let’s talk about some specific aspects that deserve your attention. Whenever being impacted by a negative and toxic state in our life, we would actually realise that we are finding ourselves in such a state…if we were only honest to ourselves.
Let’s talk about some specific signs:
- Feeling of merely existing: Days keep passing by. You keep living A life but you keep questioning yourself if you are truly living YOUR life? You will catch yourself in moments where you are wondering what else life could have in store for you. You keep admitting to yourself that things should be different, you don’t know what exactly but you know that something should be different.
- Repeating Patterns: Whomever your personal toxic relationship spiral involves, you will notice a repeating pattern once you start paying attention. A repeating pattern in topics that never seem to get resolved. A repeating pattern in arguments that could and definitely should have been avoided. A repeating pattern in moments that should have been happy moments but were clouded by negative vibes, arguments, and toxic disagreements.
- No Escape: You might have tried to shift things around but no matter how hard you try you cannot seem to be able to escape your situation. You admit to yourself that if you could turn back the time you would have never manoeuvred yourself into this exact scenario that now has you trapped BUT you feel at this point there’s no way out anymore.
Act Upon It. No One Is Coming To Save You.
Now, this headline sounds really harsh. And, I don’t mean to sound as if I am disregarding the heaviness of your situation. If one person understands, believe me, I do. However, the truth also is this: The only person who can change things around for you is YOU. You will have to manoeuvre yourself out of your particular situation… the same way you manoeuvred yourself into it. And this expression is completely judgment-free.
Mostly, this starts with hitting a threshold of events that have accumulated over the years. When this moment occurs, the one critical thing to do is to collect every little bit of strength & courage that you can find inside yourself and use it as your fuel to start moving. And no matter how big the move, a move remains a move and the only thing that matters is that you produce motion. While our mind can act as the biggest roadblock at times, in these moments it truly acts as our biggest supporter since one step automatically triggers the next step.
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