Your true health costs might be one of the most important aspects of your life. But, how often do you actually take this aspect into account? We are talking about the True Costs of your life. And these rarely present themselves in the most obvious way. You will have to dig deep to evaluate the true costs behind the things that you consume physically & mentally day in and day out.
Your True Health Costs.
The True Costs I want to focus on in this article, present themselves in the form of the effect a product is having on our health in the long run. However, True Costs do not only impact us on an individual level but also on a broader scale in terms of how a product is affecting the environment, the climate, farmworkers, the economy etc.
Since reading Mark Hyman’s Book “Food Fix” I have realized the compelling truth behind the true costs of the food we consume and have integrated this practice into my life ever since.
The True Health Costs Of Your Food.
The classic example to grasp this concept would be to analyze the price of the food that you buy. Let’s use dairy milk as an example. While the dairy milk that you buy might be cheaper than a plant-based alternative, how true are these costs in the long run? The dairy industry negatively impacts climate change, the industry’s production conditions are ethically highly questionable, and fair trade is being undermined with the industry being dominated by big corporations. These are all costs along the supply chain that need to be taken into account. However, these costs are not represented in the price the product is being sold for.
This concept becomes even more clear when using the example of a sugary soft drink. The price of a can is rather low. However, the production costs of e.g. growing the corn for the corn syrup reaches from depleting the soil, the negative impacts of fertilizer on the environment, and the overall loss of biodiversity. Additionally, counting in the costs of chronic diseases, fatigue, loss of productivity, increase in health care spendings throughout your life, the true costs keep rising.
Following this concept, a product that might cost 0,50€ in the supermarket will end up costing you 500€ of true costs! Consider these true health costs next time you compare prices before making a purchase decision!
The True Health Costs Of Your Mental Fuel.
This concept works similar for the mental fuel you feed your brain with daily. Let’s say you were considering investing in hiring a mentor which might have cost you 300€/hour. This investment would have been a huge sum but an investment over a limited period of time. The effect it would have had on your life would have been tremendous and might have removed blocks that you have carried around for all your life. As a result, you. would have started excelling in life, filled with new life energy while limitlessly working on making your ambitions reality. Obviously, this didn’t happen because you decided against making this investment. You rather chose to invest in a long-term phone contract for 50€/month, an ongoing streaming subscription for 15€/month, and the occasional Online Shopping orders for 400€/month.
No, let’s bring in the concept of True Costs again. Which investment seemed cheaper within a short time frame? But, which investment will pay off in the long run? Now that you’ve got the focus on the true costs, which investment is more worthwhile? I think the answer to that is obvious!
The True Health Costs Of You Way Of Life.
Before rounding this article up, I want to bring in one final perspective! The entire scope of calculating the True Costs also demands to bring in the environmental costs. How clean is the energy of a production cycle? How strongly does farming of a crop deplete the soil? How high are the costs for the loss of biodiversity? Instead of comparing the absolute prices of products that we consume & use we should implement a new diversified scale that measures the costs of products based on their environmental impacts on global warming, climate change, greenhouse effect, deforestation, destruction of habitats, and the list sadly goes on.
These will be the true True Costs. And, honestly speaking, nothing but the true costs should matter in the end. It’s what we owe ourselves and what we owe the planet. Don’t you agree?
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