This is one of my favorite topics to throw in the ring. Tell me, how much do you despise Mondays? How much do you long for the weekend to arrive? How many Sunday evenings have you spent dreading even thinking about starting work the next day again? Let’s challenge our minds to the following thought today. Are you a Monday lover or a Monday hater?
Monday Lover or Monday Hater! Which is true for you?
Let’s take this first second to reflect on this question. What thoughts come to mind instantly? Is it “I loved relaxing on the weekend I really don’t want the next week to start”? Is it “I cannot wait for Friday to arrive”? Or, is it “I am already annoyed just thinking about all the meetings awaiting me this week”. Really, give yourself a second to identify your main thoughts that arise in the coziness of a Sunday Night!
That’s A Fact! Mondays are not for everyone.
It’s a fact that the majority of people experience a strong feeling of resistance in anticipation of another Monday. It’s a fact that we spend more time at work than we do with our families. And, it’s also a fact that we spent 1/3 of our lifetime on this planet physically working. That leaves us with the ultimate fact that the way we feel about our work will determine the way we feel about our life. We cannot escape this conclusion or we’ll live a half-lived life only leveraging the moments we’re not at work. And there aren’t too many of those considering we spent approximately 60% of our week working.
Maximizing The Power Of Your Thoughts
Let’s get ourselves right out of that spiral when deciding if you are a Monday lover or a Monday hater. For that let me share a pearl of wisdom that I shared with a friend.
The situation you find yourself in depends entirely on your personal interpretation. Let’s say your job doesn’t fulfill you but it pays the bills. Instead of dreading another day working let’s manifest what we’ve got here. If not monitored our minds might race off having a constant negative inner dialog.
What if you gave your mind a direct command to understand and define the situation as it is in a more positive way? Wouldn’t telling your mind “This isn’t my dream job but it gives me financial stability so I can make my dreams in my personal life reality” sound like a better daily dialog than being dragged into a constant “My job is so monotone, I cannot wait for the week to be over” mental exchange?
It’s In Your Hands. You can become a Monday Lover
I’m sorry but no excuses here. The way you see the world is entirely your responsibility. If you’re feeling miserable and lethargic about your work it’s a choice that you are making. Let’s choose to choose differently. Cause the only two true options to choose from are:
No. 1 Change your situation.
No. 2 Redefine your situation.
This can be a strong relief if you allow the full power of this sentence to unfold. Because it leaves you with the power to change your inner dialog to send out direct commands to your mind. Your thoughts define your feelings. The words you say to yourself define your personal view of the world. So, start feeding your mind with better more resourceful thoughts. Don’t settle for feeling miserable about your work. Don’t accept a half-lived life.
Be Mindful, Not Miserable!
In the end, our reality is created by our own ability to filter and direct our thoughts. If we’re allowing the flow of life to constantly take over without monitoring it we’ll very likely end up being directed in life by an outer source. However, if we set out to take back control and direct our thoughts we might discover this so-called ability to create OUR world that reflects our individual desires and is not a product of someone else’s expectations of us! Being miserable is a choice! So, let’s choose to be mindful instead!
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